Saturday, March 26, 2011

T-shirt wearing in the Library

I love to volunteer and I do so frequently. I have begun to build a relationship with the Cee & Learn organization which came from one of my volunteer efforts. Cee & Learns focus in on the educational and financial literacy needs for all inner city youth, teens and young adults.
Cee and I had a discussion about library cards and I mentioned that I need to renew my card. And I did today.
When I asked to renew I was informed that I had not since 2002. Not good. That didn't mean that I was not reading because I was, but it did show that I was on the internet searching for information and not supporting my local library.

During my visit at the library, I renewed my card, check out a book and worked on Such a good day.
I need to thank Ty for encouraging me to start this blog.

Until next time,
Renee from

1 comment:

  1. You're welcome. In fact can use your ad assistance!
